This article describes an innovative scheme for allocating emissions targets that preserves development priorities.

Both EU member states and the European Parliament agreed in December upon legislation to combat climate change, but critics claim that the compromise deal contains too many loopholes.

Whilst leaders in many nations discuss ambitious targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), there is also an intense debate underway regarding the technical and economic feasibility of different target levels, what emission reduction opportunities should be pursued, and the costs of different options for meeting the targets.

Many studies have assessed cost implications of different burden sharing regimes or allocation schemes for post-2012 regional emission reductions. These studies analysed the implications of emission allocation rules on the regional costs of abatement. Adaptation costs and residual damages are generally analysed separately from the burden sharing regime.

In a world that attempts to move towards a low-carbon economy Efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change have created a new market, generating new opportunities, dubbed green jobs. According to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme, over the coming decades, millions of green jobs would be created in sectors such as energy, transport, construction,

UN suspended project verifier The UN body overseeing clean development mechanism, or CDM, has suspended one of its verifiers for CDM projects for lax audit and veri fication. CDM allows emission-red uction projects in developing countries to earn carbon credits. On December 2, the CDM Executive Board said it had suspended Norwegian company Det Norske Veritas, after an investigation in

The gap between political rhetoric and scientific reality on climate change is growing, complain scientists at the UN climate conference in Poland.

Minor progress in Poland on adaptation and deforestation sets the stage for Copenhagen in 2009.

European heads of state struck a deal on 12 December on how to go about reducing Europe

Guan Qingyou, the director of the energy and climate project at Beijing-based Tsinghua University
