The final agreement on the EU climate package retains the goal to reduce emissions by 20 per cent. Together with a 20-per-cent share of renewables and 20-per-cent energy savings, this creates the triple goal of 20-20-20 by 2020.

This year will see an intensive round of international negotiations, culminating in the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in December as governments thrash out a deal to combat climate change.

In this article Bj

The approach to determine national baselines for measuring reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) has emerged as central to negotiations over a REDD mechanism in a post- Kyoto policy framework. The baseline approach is critical

This report addresses the question of the relationship between the level of emission reductions to be undertaken by the United States by 2020 and the risk of exceeding a global 2

Deforestation accounts for roughly 17 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. So it is no surprise that in the runup to the December 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen, REDD

G20 member countries

This report looks beyond quantifying emissions reductions at a more flexible approach for recognizing mitigation actions being taken by developing countries in the forest sector.

We may soon have no choice but to fiddle more directly with the climate

Once written off as sci-fi fantasy, geoengineering now looks like the last best hope to avert harmful climate change. (Editorial)
