There was a jamboree in my town recently, a gathering of the powerful and famous, to discuss the climate change agreement the world must carve out in Copenhagen by end 2009. But what happened was

This new study on the environmental impact of lifestyle at West Bengal's Raj Bhavan by Global Change Programme of Jadavpur University reveals that bulk institutional consumers can significantly reduce carbon emissions through voluntary initiatives.

This article compares the future trajectory of carbon emissions of the Annex I countries under the Kyoto Protocol with the emission reduction targets being discussed in the US and the European Union. If the Annex I countries follow these trajectories, they would meet the Kyoto Protocol commitment in terms of the stock of emissions since 2008, only in 2021 or 2024.

The president directs the EPA to reconsider standards

Negotiations at Poznan were in limbo for many days, waiting for EU to finalize its climate action plan. The much touted European climate deal was expected earlier. As recession split EU nations, what was finally adopted in Brussels on December 12 was a watered down version of the draft proposed earlier. Germany, Italy and eastern European states arm-twisted to get concessions for their domestic

The climate talks in Poznan failed on all counts. The US was found missing in post-election inaction; climate-champion EU was squabbling over the economic pain of taking action; developing countries found themselves talking amongst themselves about what needs to be done to cut emissions. Action is now moving towards finding ways in which the developed world can

Guy Ryder, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confedaration, went to Poznan to attend his first UN climate meet. He sees green opportunity in the financial crisis. Pradip Saha caught up with him Is it okay to discuss climate change in the midst of a financial crisis? Governments are indicating that they are ready to inject large sums of money into their national

I spent a week at the climate change conference in Poznan, and realized the world is in deep trouble and deeper denial. Worse, the denial is now entirely on the side of action. It is well

Will India still be the world's fourth-largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the New Year?

Deforestation is a leading cause of climate change
