There are positive signs a climate summit in December will forge a broader pact between rich and poorer nations to fight global warming, a top Australian official and an influential Chinese expert said on Wednesday.

The meeting in Bonn saw the start of negotiations on climate change leading up to December's meeting in Copenhagen.

The Ministry of Environment has set itself a challenging task of introducing Euro-II emission standards for petrol driven vehicles from July this year and for diesel driven automobiles from July 2012.



The north may renege again and again but the south must go on fuelling their growth scientists have rung the alarm bell again, this time in Copenhagen, predicting a climate change more severe than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

climate change EU wants more action With a world agreement on climate policy scheduled for December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark, negotiations and blame games are reaching a frenzy. During recent EU-US bilateral talks, American policymakers criticized EU

New Delhi: With developed countries still not forthcoming on the issue of providing technology and finance to the developing countries to fight climate change, India has asserted that it was not dependent on

The Obama administration wants to reduce oil consumption, increase renewable energy supplies and cut carbon dioxide emissions in the most ambitious transformation of energy policy in a generation.

Most of the investments by oil companies go to traditional fossil-fuel resources, including carbon- intensive energy sources like tar sands, above, and natural gas from shale.

Bonn: The prospect of Nano, the world's cheapest car, clogging Indian roads and raising emission levels has figured in the ongoing global discourse on a new climate change deal. Shyam Saran, special envoy to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, pooh-poohed the suggestion that people in developing countries should not aspire to own cars.
