Low price, high value
CFLs use only 20 per cent of the energy an incandescent bulb uses, to generate the same amount of illumination. They also last much longer. But they cost up to 10 times more. If made available at Rs 10-15, they will be great value for money.

The plan

Civil coalition promotes Northern view of post-2012 climate pact It wasn

The best way to curb global warming would be a carbon tax. The money raised could be divided up among citizens or used to repay the national debt. A tax on carbon dioxide (CO2) would give everyone an incentive to emit less of it. It would be simple, direct and transparent. For these reasons, it will never happen in America.

Landmark legislation to reduce US greenhouse-gas emissions advanced through a key committee on 21 May in the face of staunch Republican opposition.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol allows the crediting of emission reductions from greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement projects in developing countries. Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) are accredited third party entities

Aiming to drastically cut its emissions of planet-warming pollutants, Britain is telling its home builders to design a new generation of super-efficient houses that use only clean power and add no net carbon to the atmosphere.

The US Congress has taken its first big step towards passing a cap and trade bill to tackle global warming but the proposed legislation faces a tough fight to be passed by the Senate.

A vote on Thursday night in the key House committee on energy and commerce set out proposals for a bill to reduce US carbon emissions to 17 per cent below 2005 levels by 2020 and by 83 per cent by 2050.

The passage of the cap-and-trade bill through the committee stage has driven a wedge through the US environmental lobby, Fiona Harvey reports .

SAS pilots and ground controllers in Stockholm have for years tested a new way of landing their aircraft that not only saves fuel but gives a more comfortable descent. With the "green approach," pilots take the shortest possible flight path between takeoff and landing. When they are ready to descend, they glide smoothly from cruising altitude all the way to the runway with engines idling.

President Barack Obama on Tuesday unveiled an aggressive policy initiative to increase U.S. auto fuel efficiency and regulate auto emissions.
