From the G8 to shipping, the world's climate players are starting to bring their contributions to the table

Is a commitment to prevent global temperatures from rising more than 2

At their annual summit last week, leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) industrialized nations pledged to try to keep the planet from warming by more than 2

Lack of commitment at Bonn could dampen Copenhagen THE second round of climate change talks in Bonn concluded a little after 5 in the evening on June 12. Twelve days of heated talks among representatives of 182 countries yielded very little

Saubhik Chakrabarti

The G-8 failed to develop a consensus to lower carbon emissions not because developing countries, led by China and India, objected to the agreement as the western media would have us believe, says Neeraj Kaushal

This article looks at the issue of climate change from a developing country perspective and develops an outline of a win-win-oriented climate policy around development priorities. It demonstrates how the great climate debate between the

The G8 or the world's most wealthy and developed countries have remained non-committal on setting targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a demand being stressed by the emerging economies (G5) and other developing countries.

COME December and developed and developing countries will meet in Copenhagen to deliberate the issue of climate change. The issues are also well known. At the base is the Kyoto Protocol under which signatory countries agree to peg their carbon emission levels at or below some historical level, namely, 1990. Almost all the countries are members of the protocol.
