The declaration on energy and climate at the MEF of 16 countries at G8 summit in Italy. Both developing and developed countries will cooperate by taking appropriate mitigation actions for low carbon growth and will report by Nov 15 2009 on action plans and roadmaps.

If we focus on clear, practical and achievable goals, major reductions in carbon emissions can be made so as to ensure that the world will fashion a radical new approach to climate change within a manageable time frame, says Tony Blair

Major nations failed to agree on Wednesday to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, in a setback to efforts to secure a new UN climate pact.


As World Stares At Environmental Disaster, Govts Bicker Over Economics
Diwakar | TNN

Emissions targets, clean-energy projects and calls for justice are multiplying, reports Jeff Tollefson.

As the Group of Eight began discussions on targets for reducing climate emissions, talk was circulating of a possible commitment to limit warming to 2

President Nasheed called on Commonwealth countries to unite to tackle greenhouse gas emissions, warning that climate change is the "greatest security and human rights challenge of the 21st Century."

There is a myth in America that markets, not plans, are the key to success. Markets will supposedly decide our climate future on their own once we institute cap-and-trade legislation to put a market price on carbon emissions. But this is silly: both markets and planning are essential in any successful large-scale undertaking, whether public or private.

This report is meant to contribute to the debate between policymakers and research groups on the steps that need to be taken to meet long-term climate targets. This reports shows that the current focus on intermediate targets for the year 2020 needs to be extended to include the long-term targets.
