This working paper proposes a framework for mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion in energy system planning in Bangladesh.

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India. The Global Climate Risk Index 2021 ranks India seventh, considering the extent to which India has been affected by the impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heatwaves, etc.).

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India. The Global Climate Risk Index 2021 ranks India seventh, considering the extent to which India has been affected by the impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heatwaves, etc.).

This report highlights 2021 global natural hazards and helps quantify and qualify how topics such as climate change, socioeconomics, and other emerging issues are driving new and emerging types of risk.

The EU adaptation strategy aims to build resilience and ensure that Europe is well prepared to manage the risks from and adapt to the impacts of climate change, including limiting economic losses and other harm. All regions of Europe face economic losses and fatalities from weather and climate extremes every year.

The year 2021 was the fifth warmest year in India since nation-wide records commenced in the country in 1901, said India Meteorological Department (IMD) in its 'Climate of India during 2021' report.

This report highlights the 10 most financially devastating climate events of 2021, from hurricanes in the US, China and India to floods in Australia, Europe and Canada. All cost over 1.5 billion dollars of damage.

There is no guidance on how to deal with the effects of catastrophic events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, on stated preference survey responses; despite the possible impact, such events can have on stated values and survey responses.

Sea surface temperatures and ocean heat in parts of the South-West Pacific are increasing at more than three times the global average rate, with marine heatwaves bleaching once vibrant coral reefs and threatening vital ecosystems upon which the region depends.

Record atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and associated accumulated heat have propelled the planet into uncharted territory, with far-reaching repercussions for current and future generations, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
