
Mumbai About 2,000 people from 25 agricultural and fishing villages gathered at Poynad Village on Alibaug-Dharamtar Road, about 113 km from Mumbai, on Thursday to protest against a proposed coal-fired thermal power plant.

The Lieutenant-Governor

Lieutenant-Governor Tejendra Khanna is proposing to convert the 22-kilometre Yamuna riverbank stretch into a biodiversity zone, seen by experts as a radical ecological solution to the dying river.

The precious portland cement essentially meant for structural application is invariably used for masonry work, where as the masonry cement still remains far from common knowledge and usage. An attempt has been made in the present study to explore the possibilities of obtaining the characteristics of masonry cement from the blend of ordinary portland cement and class F flyash.

SC mining ban alone won

Children more susceptible to respiratory, eye ailments
Anil Jerath

The top layer of accumulated sand washed down by floods over millions of years, makes river floodplains into giant aquifers. We propose a scheme for the natural storage of excess monsoon river-water discharge in the extensive and deep sand top layer of the floodplain of the river.

Ropar: No pong ash is being used from Ropar thermal plant for the construction of Kurali-Kiratpur Sahib stretch of the National Highway 21 despite strict guidelines of the government of India.

Ludhiana : Environment has never been a priority for the industrial city, which is becoming a

Fly ash is an amorphous ferroalumino silicate, an important solid waste around thermal power plants. It creates problems leading to environmental degradation due to improper utilization or disposal.
