the director general of the Indian Council for Forestry Research and Education (icfre) in Dehra Dun, B N Gupta, recently stressed the need for disseminating correct information on issues

Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of T. N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/12/1996 regarding the true scope of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and the meaning of the word "forest" used therein.

In a move that could be a blessing in disguise for the country's environment, foreign logging companies have threatened to end their operations in the country. They are protesting against the new

Russia's forests receive a shot in the arm following a recent international decision to protect them from logging

This book offers the first comprehensive examination of revolutionary changes occurring in the management of India's forests. It also explores the historical roots of deforestat-ion, the alienation of tribal peoples, and their reentry into resource management. The institutional, economic, ecological, and political implications of this historic transition in forest control are critically discussed.

The Sri Lanka government has asked farmers, community organisations, NGOs and small and medium scale enterprises to comment on the draft of a revised forest policy before the final policy is framed.

People's rights over forests are legally unassailable

Local communities in Nepal and some Central American nations have become invaluable participants in managing their forests

The anti people attitude that environmental NGOs had vehemently opposed in the '80s has resurfaced in the recent draft Forest Policy Bill. The author examines why the NGOs failed to influence brain dead government policies

Galvanising support for the unconditional withdrawal of the new Forest Bill, NGOs and a fifth column within the bureaucracy are harrowing the government
