Enable Block: 

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of In Re: T. N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 08/01/2021.

The matter related to the problems faced by the forest officers and staff in the course of protecting flora and fauna in the forests. The SC took  serious view of the situation and said that the forest officers and staff would be in no position to protect the environment and the forests which are normally vast tracts of uninhabited land and of which poachers take undue advantage for carrying out their nefarious activities.

Populations in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) living on the fringes of forests indubitably rely on them for income and subsistence. But unsustainable practices can lead to resource degradation and depletion, threatening the very basis of their livelihoods.

To meet global restoration needs and recover degraded forests and landscapes, adequate public and private investments are required to support restoration activities on the ground.

With climate change impacts already felt in the world’s drylands, there is an urgent need for action, at various scales and initiated by different stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of food production and livelihoods in these regions in the coming decades.

Mapping Together helps people use Collect Earth mapathons to monitor tree-based restoration. Collect Earth enables users to create precise data that can show where trees are growing outside the forest across farms, pasture, and urban areas and how the landscape has changed over time.

The Global Forest Review (GFR) provides accessible, comprehensive, and data-driven insights to better inform protection, restoration, and sustainable management of forests worldwide. Delivered through a dynamic online platform, the GFR tracks vital trends on the extent, condition, use, and social and ecological values of forests globally.

Additional affidavit on behalf of Aditya N. Prasad & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 13/12/2020.

The matter related to shortage of manpower and equipment faced by the Department of Forests and Wildlife, Government of NCT of Delhi. This was causing hindrance in performance of their responsibilities as mandated by various statutes for protection of the environment, urban trees, forests and wildlife.

FAO published a new study on forest-related disasters that will help contribute to the development of effective responses for future incidents.

This climate resilience case study from Viet Nam is the ninth of ten case studies prepared by forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) for the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF). It describes the actions of the Viet Nam Cinnamon and Star Anise Cooperative to find nature based solutions (NbS) that give climate resilience.

Tenurial rights are critical for the Indigenous and forest-dwelling communities, and especially tribal groups of India. The discourse around the ownership, governance and management of forests in India underwent a significant change with the enactment of the Forest Rights Act, 2006.
