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To launch the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, UNEP has released this synthesis report as a call to action for anyone and everyone to join the #GenerationRestoration movement to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide.

Climate change will increase the risk of pests spreading in agricultural and forestry ecosystems, especially in cooler Arctic, boreal, temperate and subtropical regions warns this scientific review of the impact of climate change on plant pests released by FAO

A new report from Ecosystem Marketplace, shows that funding to conserve and increase carbon stored in forests around the world has more than doubled between 2016 and 2019. But authors say forest carbon finance still falls far short of what’s needed to counter global forest loss and support increased climate ambition.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhash Chand Vs State of Haryana dated 28/05/2021. Grievance in the application was against cutting of a peepal tree which was more than 100 years old from temple of Ved Vyas Kund Khera in village Yara, tehsil Shahbad Markanda, district Kurukshetra, Haryana.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhkaran Vs State of Haryana dated 28/05/2021.

Grievance in this application is against cutting of trees by the health department for establishing water tanks at khevat No. 63/2, khasra No. 207, village Nimar Badesara, district Bhiwani, Haryana. It is stated that the trees in question are of rare species – Khair and Kheri.

The Rangelands Atlas has been developed to document and raise awareness on the enormous environmental, economic and social value of rangelands as well as their different ecosystems. It highlights many of the changes taking place in rangelands due to climate change, land use and conversion trends, investments and other changes.

Tropical forests around the world are being destroyed at an alarming rate, even in 2020 when the global economy slowed dramatically during the pandemic. A new report offers insight into a primary driver of this deforestation – and our unwitting complicity as consumers.

In the search for alternatives to fossil fuel-based energy, FAO has been supporting the Zambian Government in developing and integrating sustainable bioenergy in the agriculture sectors The recently published report ‘Sustainable bioenergy potential in Zambia: An integrated bioenergy food security assessment’ documents findings to support policy

This analysis shows that the vast majority of tropical forested countries seeking to benefit from international forest carbon markets have yet to define in law and in practice the rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-descendant Peoples over carbon in their customary lands and territories.

The Global Forest Goals Report 2021 is the first evaluation of where the world stands in implementing the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2030, providing a snapshot of actions being taken for forests, while stressing that it is necessary to meet the 2030 deadline in the Plan.
