
Nepal has been moving towards the fulfilment of its commitment to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Since long time, Nepal has been adopting all the decisions emanating from the Conference of the Parties. Nepal has also become party to various legally binding international instruments that are in line with CBD and hence very much committed to meet the international obligations.

The Northeast India region is rich in biodiversity due to high rainfall and plenty of sunlight coupled with unique bio-geographical positioning. It is known as the

This manual provides the materials needed to deliver a basic training in access and benefit sharing (ABS) of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge as provided for under the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Political boundaries do not limit the movement of biological resources and knowledge. Countries in the Himalayan region share common biological resources and traditional knowledge, and protection and sustainable use cannot be planned effectively by single countries in isolation.

Traditional farming systems and conservation of local cultivars and associated indigenous knowledge are under threat and growing pressure resulting in genetic erosion of crop diversity. These systems are an essential component of sustainable crop

Genebanks are one of the world

Economics is abstract but not unfathomable. The truth of that statement can be seen in the attempt to elaborate a multilateral regime for

The United Nation's ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (cop 9) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (cbd) was recently held in Bonn, Germany. Amidst contentions relating to bio-fuels and abs (Access and Benefit Sharing), Meena Gupta, secretary, ministry for environment and forests, finds time to give an update on India's position on these issues to Yashvendra Singh

This paper aims to assist the international community in its efforts to curb the misappropriation of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge through IPRs. It outlines how an international legal regime may assist the enforcement of decisions made under national access and benefit-sharing regulations by providing for the recognition of such decisions in foreign jurisdictions.
