To give an impetus to the study of Indian glaciers, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has signed a first-of-its-kind Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Mountaineering Federation (IMF), hoping to combine the scientific study and assessment of India

Fundamental to the onset of the Indian Summer Monsoon is the land-sea thermal gradient from the Indian Ocean to the Himalayas-Tibetan Plateau (HTP). The timing of the onset is strongly controlled by the meridional tropospheric temperature gradient due to the rapid pre-monsoon heating of the HTP compared to the relatively cooler Indian Ocean.

LONDON: The massive Antarctic iceberg is

The mighty Siachen glacier was once 150 kilometres long and was covered with 600 mt of ice. The glacier length today stands at only 74 km, following a melting in the Holocene era 8,000 years ago writes Kalyan Ray

China will start backing up its shrinking glaciers with 59 meltwater reservoirs this year as the cost of climate change hits home in the world's most populous nation.

Global Warming Prompts Both To Redraw Boundary

London: Climate change is literally bringing European neighbours Italy and Switzerland closer. Melting glaciers in the Alps have prompted the two countries to redraw their borders, with a parliamentary draft legislation being readied in Rome, a British daily reported.

Climate change threatens mankind

Curse of melting glaciers, shrinking rivers and growing deforestation

Shabir Ibn Yusuf, SRINAGAR: Valley may face severe water crisis in coming summer, as the glaciers have receded at an alarming rate, if the officials of Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) and experts are to be believed.

The cause is stated to be a lower snowfall, above normal temperature and early melting of snow in the mountains, besides deforestation and human interference.

Glaciers and small ice caps in temperate environments are sensitive indicators of the change in climate. Mountain glaciers provide a valuable tool for reconstruction of Holocene climate changes. The present work, thus, deals mainly with climatic change and its impact on the Himalayan glaciers based on the dating of lichens, developed on loops of moraines formed due
