Smallpox scare leads to panic purchase of its vaccine

nearly 600 old olive trees were felled in Athens to make way for the Equestrian Centre for the Olympic Games 2004. Naturally, the greens are up in arms. But the organisers of Athens 2004 Olympics

a sum of us $4.73 million! This is the total fine Greece paid for running an illegal waste dump. The European Commission, which had been fining the country since July 2000, stopped doing so

amid the hype of the Union cabinet's proposal to ban smoking in public places and discontinue tobacco companies' sponsorship of sports and cultural events, the Union government has taken a very

toxic chemicals used in ship paint are severely polluting the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece, reported a recent research. Sediment taken from Piraeus and Thessaloniki harbours and

Air pollution kills 1,342 Greeks every year

In this study, a new clean up method was developed for the routine multiresidue determination of organochlorine

THE devastating fire which raged through Greece in July ravaging its precious pine and fir forests, might now lead to the flooding of capital Athens. The 3-day fire burnt down forests on 10,000

Greece will use satellites to tackle its illegal housing problem. Under the plan, satellites will scan the country's terrain weekly to take pictures of illegal dwellings. Officials propose to focus

The ancient Greeks and Romans attached a high social premium to males and resorted to strange ways of determining the sex of the unborn child.
