In order to generate revenue for its environment agency's projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Japan is mulling over a proposal to impose tax on coal. The proposal seeks to rationalise the

Regular draining of water from rice fields reduces methane emissions

Accountability issue set to take centrestage at the upcoming CoP 8
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Soot particles are causing intensive droughts and floods in China

Gets clean air credits by undertaking energy projects in Kazakhstan

The new buzzword in the climate research circles is vulnerability and adaptation. Just like most of the climate discussion the words have become so dense, that their meaning is lost on most, except

Institutional investors press companies to disclose greenhouse gas emissions

Curbing global warming not such an expensive proposition

It is for the first time that the Bush administration has linked an increase in global warming to human activities in the us. The Climate Action Report 2002 of the us government says,

Kyoto Protocol gets a boost as Japan and eu ratify pact
