Enable Block: 

Nearly 98,000 adolescent girls aged 10-19 were infected with HIV in 2022 – or 1,900 new infections every week – according to UNICEF’s latest Global Snapshot on Children with HIV and AIDS, released ahead of World AIDS Day.

Air pollution is the largest environmental threat to human health worldwide. Health professionals and agencies are usually the most trusted voices in their communities, so when they are actively engaged on climate change and air pollution, they can reframe these is sues as questions of public health and help move public opinion and policy.

India topped countries in the South-East Asia region for the most number of malaria cases and deaths in 2022, according to this report published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Climate hazards, including extreme heat, are associated with increased risks of developing complications that lead to adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.

Report by Karnataka State Pollution Control Board in Original Application No 685 of 2023 news item titled 'Vegetables across Bengaluru contaminated with heavy metal warns study appearing in One India dated October 25, 2023.

The WHO Global Tuberculosis Report 2023 provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, at global, regional and country levels. This is done in the context of global TB commitments, strategies and targets.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Dr Jaya Thakur Vs Government of India & Others dated 06/11/2023.

The Supreme Court directed the Union of India to set down a national model for the ratio of the number of girls’ toilets per female student population across government aided and residential schools in the country. The court also asked the Centre to bring about uniformity in terms of the modalities to be followed for the distribution of sanitary napkins.

Order of the High Court of Kerala regarding exorbitant pricing of life saving patented medicines.

The High Court wanted the opinion of the government of India on whether the breast cancer medicines and other such medicines can be made available to the less advantaged sections through alternative methods.

As the world warms at a faster rate than at any point in recorded history, human health is on the frontline. Climate change threatens to reverse decades of progress towards better health and well-being, particularly in the most vulnerable communities.

The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has come out with a draft National Pharmaceuticals Policy (NPP) 2023 emphasising on a holistic policy approach to address the challenges faced by Indian pharmaceutical industries and provide definitive policy interventions to enhance the collective ecosystem.
