Up to a third of adults in Uganda have been excluded from vital healthcare and social services because they do not have national ID cards, according to a report.
The climate emergency is a human rights crisis of unprecedented proportions. Climate change threatens the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of present and future generations and, ultimately, the future of humanity.
As COVID-19 swept the globe, deepening existing fault-lines in societies and generating fear and uncertainty, many governments used the pandemic as a pretext to clamp down on civic freedoms, sparking protests in many countries.
Attacks on water and sanitation facilities in conflict zones around the world are putting the lives of millions of children around the world in danger, and are a much greater threat than violence itself, warns the UN Children’s agency, UNICEF, in a report.
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of 'In Re: Problems and miseries of migrant labourers' dated 13/05/2021. The matter related to problems faced by migrant labourers due to COVID-19 imposed lockdown.
For 35 consecutive years the International work Group for Indigenous Affairs IWGIA has published The Indigenous World. This publication is a one-of-a-kind documentation tool that offers a comprehensive yearly overview of the developments Indigenous Peoples experience around the world.
The global pandemic has exposed the terrible legacy of deliberately divisive and destructive policies that have perpetuated inequality, discrimination and oppression and paved the way for the devastation wrought by COVID-19, Amnesty International said in its annual report.
In view of importance of regular reporting of the state-wise values of HDI, GDI and GII, an attempt has been made to compute HDI, GDI and GII using the HDRO methodology and available data sets for the States/UTs as well as for the country as a whole for the years 2011-12 and 2017-18.