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Greenhouse Gas Data Management: Building Systems for Corporate/Facility-Level Reporting is intended to serve as a reference document for regulators, GHG reporting program and system administrators, and IT/development teams on all aspects of designing and developing GHG data management systems.

The Maldives parliament accepted the Bill on Protection of the Ozone Layer and submitted it to an interim committee for review Sunday.

The decision to use the Montreal Protocol to reduce the impact of refrigerants on global warming is a step forward ahead of the Paris climate summit. (Editorial)

Research published at a meeting of the Montreal Protocol in Dubai reveals the serious human health and economic consequences averted by concerted and coordinated global action on the protecting the ozone layer.

Europe continues to make progress in phasing out chemicals which damage the ozone layer according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report considers the use of more than 200 chemicals controlled by the Montreal Protocol and EU legislation.

Reducing our carbon footprint, be it in our personal lives or industrial activity remains key to saving the Earth from environmental degradation, say experts in the city as the world observes the I

The New Zealand government is preparing to completely ban two substances with known risks to both the environment and human health, Environment Minister Nick Smith said on Wednesday.

Carbon markets are considered a key policy tool to achieve cost-effective climate mitigation1, 2. Project-based carbon market mechanisms allow private sector entities to earn tradable emissions reduction credits from mitigation projects. The environmental integrity of project-based mechanisms has been subject to controversial debate and extensive research1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in particular for projects abating industrial waste gases with a high global warming potential (GWP).

HYDERABAD: A technology to manufacture hydrofluorocarbons used in refrigeration systems as a coolant to reduce global warming is ready to be transferred to the industry by the CSIR-Indian Institute

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are potent greenhouse gases. As HFCs have emerged as the pre-dominant alternative to ozone depleting substances, discussions are underway between the representatives of different parties of the Montreal Protocol (MP) to bring HFCs under the ambit of MP. The Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) of the Montreal
