a group of Asian scientists has framed a new plan to set up a comprehensive system to approach the study of changing monsoon patterns in Asia. A piecemeal approach towards the subject so far has led

Hydrogeomorphological mapping is one of the best-suited approaches to explore the possibility of groundwater resources especially in those areas where availability of surface water in insufficient. The present paper is an attempt to study hydrogeomorphological features and their prospects for groundwater exploration in Chandraprabha basin, Chandauli District of Vindhayan Upland, U.P. using remotely sensed data.

This paper summarizes research on the Krishna River Basin in southern India, including physical and agricultural geography, remote sensing, hydrology, water management, and environmental
issues. Discharge from the Krishna into the ocean decreased rapidly from 1960-2003 due to irrigation expansion. Annual runoff to the ocean fell from a pre-irrigation average of 56 cubic
kilometers (km3)(1901-1960) to 13 km3 (1994-2003), despite no significant change in rainfall. By the late 1990s, the cumulative reservoir capacity in the basin approximated the annual runoff

To identify the source and origin of groundwater, and to estimate the rate of recharge, there are a number of classical conventional methods but these are not very effective in solving problems.

The goal of this paper is to assess the impact of future climate change on the hydrological regime of the tropical Upper Suriname river basin (7,860 km2) located in Suriname. GCM based climate scenarios from the MAGICC/SCENGEN model and 14 hypothetical climate scenarios are used to examine potential changes in water balance components in the study area.

This book represents an effort to make available a unified presentation of groundwater hydrology. It presupposes only a background of mathematics through calculus and an elementary knowledge of geology.

This book introduces to the reader all aspects of ground water i.e., its assessment, development, utilisation and management. Practical application of different formulate for field conditions, data collection and processing, test procedures and principles of design are worked out to illustrate the theory and design procedure. It includes case studies of pump test data in the country. Methods of irrigation and complete design and layout of sprinkler and drip irrigation projects are given.

Indonesia's major earthquake last year (2005) tilted Nias Island like a seesaw, disrupting villagers' lives and pointing to future dangers.

Variations in climate, land-use and water consumption
can have profound effects on river runoff. There
is an increasing demand to study these factors at the regional

The present paper is an analysis of the scheme for the interlinking of rivers on a National Water Grid that would transfer water from one basin to another, from a water source having surplus water to areas with scarce water resources.
