Enable Block: 

An ambitious masterplan to tackle Bombay's perennial water-logging problem during its ferocious monsoons will use an innovative, sub-surface "no dig" technology. The new system, part of a Rs

The United States has finally conceded India's right to reprocess spent fuel from the Tarapore Atomic Power Station (TAPS). An indication to this effect came recently when the International Atomic

A recent disaster that claimed 55 lives revealed the abysmal safety standards of India's mines.

Despite numerous proclamations of eco friendliness and a deluge of treaties, not much was done in 1993 to make fuelwood and clean water easily accessible to the poor

The training of women in the maintenance of hand pumps has not only flooded them with confidence, it has rescued a government water supply programme from sinking.

The benefits that can be derived from controlling flood waters intelligently have been wasted, largely because of wrong, archaic notions about the floods can play, which have persisted since colonial times.

Confusing admissions rules afflict India's premier medical institute.

ANGER should, ideally, lead to introspection. But all the anger generated by struggles women have waged in India over the last 15 years has not yielded a mature body of thought. So when someone like

A stray herd of elephants in West Bengal was hounded by villagers and government officials, who feared destruction of their crop. The incident brought to the fore the tension between the animals and the villagers.

EVIDENCE of protein shortage is accumulating all over the world, according to Vital Signs 1993, a World Watch Institute publication. The disturbing evidence comes from the production trends of the
