Increasing concretization and loss of greenery have led to a dwindling of the city's butterfly population. But now, a group of schoolchildren, as part of a community initiative, is working to bring the colourful insects back to town.

The plan is to place nectar-rich plants like lantanas, which attract butterflies, in public parks and gardens. This is aimed at providing a conducive environment for different species of butterflies to thrive, said Dr Puja Sukhija, executive director of the NGO Organisation of Aware Saviours in Society (OASIS), which is involving schoolchildren in the 'Bring Back Butterflies' project.

FAO Hails Bugs As An Underutilized Food For People, Livestock And Pets

Rome: The UN has new weapons to fight hunger, boost nutrition and reduce pollution, and they might be crawling or flying near you right now: edible insects. The Food and Agriculture Organization on Monday hailed the likes of grasshoppers, ants and other members of the insect world as an underutilized food for people, livestock and pets.

Dutch research reveals correlation between water polluted with imidacloprid and low numbers of aquatic insects

In general terms, lighting research has been focused in the development of artificial light with the purpose of saving energy and having more durable lamps. However, the consequences that artificial night lighting could bring to the human being and living organisms have become an important issue recently. Light pollution represents a significant problem to both the environment and human health causing a disruption of biological rhythms related not only to the visible spectrum, but also to other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Intercepting a moving object requires prediction of its future location. This complex task has been solved by dragonflies, who intercept their prey in midair with a 95% success rate. In this study, we show that a group of 16 neurons, called target-selective descending neurons (TSDNs), code a population vector that reflects the direction of the target with high accuracy and reliability across 360°. The TSDN spatial (receptive field) and temporal (latency) properties matched the area of the retina where the prey is focused and the reaction time, respectively, during predatory flights.

King Solomon used them in the construction of the temple that would bear his name, the Phoenicians used them to build their merchant ships and the ancient Egyptians used their resin in the mummific

A mysterious new species of stick insect has been discovered living in the Philippines by scientists.

Digging up earthworms, chasing butterflies and collecting clam shells could become a thing of the past if enough isn’t done to protect invertebrates. And if they disappear, humans could soon follow.

A fifth of animals without backbones could be at risk of extinction, say scientists.

Almost 80% of the world's species are invertebrates, meaning they lack a spinal column.

In the face of a changing climate many species must adapt or perish.
