Pune: A cycle policy for the city is set to roll soon.

CSE said there is a shortfall of at least 18.6 million dwelling units in the country

Based on the experience of slum sanitation initiatives implemented in a number of urban centers in India, over the last decades, this Guide draws out the critical drivers that appear to explain some facets of successful community slum sanitation initiatives.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Management of Sewage, 24/02/2016. The quantum of sewage generated from Class - I Cities and Class - II Towns is 38254.82 million litres per day (MLD) out of which only 11787.38 MLD (31%) is being treated and the remaining 26467.44 MLD is disposed into the water bodies without any treatment. The city wise details at Annexure-I. The various technologies being used in sewage treatment plants are Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR), Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR), Oxidation, Anaerobic Digesters etc.

Rapidly increasing urbanisation in India has brought much needed focus on the urban development policies in India. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission was the first programme to provide substantial funds for urban local bodies to improve their infrastructure and bring in better governance systems. This article tries to look at the mission from a new public management perspective. The performance of ULBs in project implementation shows delinking from the reforms agenda of the mission.

Nagpur: The city that once stood as role model for environment is now seeing its environmental resources deteriorate, be it greenery or lakes.

Government officials in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's parliamentary constituency achieved a major success on Sunday when they convinced the farmers to call off their six months old stir after whic

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has asked the CEO of the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) as to how he proposes to use the money given by the Railways over a decade ago to relocate J

This joint publication “Unpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Development” is the product of a close cooperation between GIZ and UN-Habitat. Against the background of rapid urbanization, new forms of power relations between the different levels of government emerge and stronger coordination and cooperation is required.

17 standard low-floor buses and seven mini-buses have been deployed

The Puducherry Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) has inducted 24 standard and mini-buses into its fleet.
