Italy's biggest utility Enel will make considerable profits and cut costs under emissions trading schemes in Europe and the Kyoto Protocol, even while it boosts its coal plant fleet, its head of carbon strategy told Reuters.

The European Union's emissions trading scheme is the bloc's main policy to fight climate change and imposes caps on industrial emissions of greenhouse gases.

Japan has called for emerging economies to set mid-term targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions, aimed at bringing them into a structure of binding levels to combat global warming.

In this project

This report presents an assessment of progress of European countries towards achieving the objectives of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and their emission targets under the Kyoto Protocol.

Strong economic and political motives, combined with a partly positive and partly silent NGO community have contributed greatly to the present strong commitment towards the use of CCS in Norway.

The scale of investment needed to slow greenhouse gas emissions is larger than governments can manage through transfers. Therefore, climate change policies rely heavily on markets and private capital. This is especially true in the case of the Kyoto Protocol with its provisions for trade and investment in joint projects.

This report assesses the options available to developing countries in a

The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forests in its meeting held on 20th August, 2007, decided to take up for examination the aspects relating to Global Warming and its Impact on India and report thereon.

This paper analyzes institutional design, organizational capacity, and interplay in markets for ecosystem services. It examines the development of a market-based mechanism to commercialize forest carbon in Mexico through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This is compared with a State-run carbon forestry program aiming to provide emission rights to voluntary, retail-based, carbon markets.

The Supplementary Draft Report of the Garnaut Climate Change Review should be read in conjunction with the Draft Report released on 4 July 2008. Is it possible to secure effective international action to reduce the risks of dangerous climate change to acceptable levels, presuming that Australia would play its proportionate part in the global effort?
