Committee submits report on net present value

Smallholder agriculture has made an increasing use of subsidized mechanization and energy inputs to reduce short-term risks in semi-arid conditions in north west India. However, geographic patterns of production and scale of mechanization are straining resources and increasing the risk of serious degradation of natural resources. In this paper, the possibility of maximizing the revenue and energy returns in the agricultural sector at village level to fulfil the food, fuel and feed requirements of the village has been attempted.

Think tourism in India and the first images that will flash through your mind is the Taj Mahal and the Indian tiger. Tigers, and the protected areas created for their conservation, are the dominant motif of the picture postcard from favourite holiday de

Will the real land sharks please stand up?

Land use in China is in for irretrievable change. At the Third Plenum of the 16th Party Congress, held October 11 14, 2003, the world s biggest communist country promised to protect private property and allow farmers to amass large land holdings. Accordin

The long awaited wildlife board meeting chalks out a strategy but grey areas remain

Bad cropping practices and ill planned water management leads to salted Australian farmland

Half the watershed area of the world's freshwater systems is estimated to have been lost in the twentieth century, as land was converted to agriculture and urban use, or levelled to combat diseases

Bad land management practices have led to the creation of radical groups in Bihar

Are the new industrial siting rules a boon or a bane?
