Existence of Lake Nainital has been a matter of debate in the last two decades, because it is the only source of drinking water to Nainital city, a famous tourist resort in northern India. In the tectonically active lake basin, naturally occurring landslides have genered sediments in huge amount.

The transportation modes in Indian cities are multifarious with varying capacity and widely varying sizes and speeds.

Private farms, cattle ranches and indigenous people help in managing wild animals, thereby giving a fillip to Zimbabwe s wildlife conservation policy

Increase in incidence of earthquakes in Kerala, otherwise a seismically stable zone, is due to high sea pressure and changing land use patterns

INVASIONS OF THE LAND Malcom S Gordon and Everett S Olson University Press, New York, 1995 that organic evolution on earth began first in the sea is certain, but the manner in which land was

The Singrauli region, which produces 10% of India's electric power, has experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last 30 years. Along with this growth has come environmental degradation in terms of coal cycle and industrial pollution, displacement of populations, housing and occupational hazards, related health effects, and land degradation.

Fencing the Forest: Conservation and Ecological Change in India's Central Provinces 1860-1914 draws on archival and printed sources to shed new light on the ecological dimensions of the colonial impact on South Asia. The changing responses of rural forest users and the fortunes of the land they lived on are the key themes of this study.

Land is causing strife all across the Amazon basin. Many of the conflicts are sparked off by the aggressive forays of miners and loggers into far-flung areas of the Amazon as they attempt to

To beat the spiralling land prices and reduce the existing pressure on land in the country, the government of Hong Kong is looking towards various alternatives, and caves happen to be one of

In India, out of a land area of 330 million ha, only cultivated. The remaining areas of forests, woodlands, grasslands, marshes, rivers, lakes and shorelines are common property resources (CPRs).
