Kenya and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) on Tuesday launched a project to help boost growth in the livestock sector.

A new outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease, which saw a ban on animal movement in three districts in eastern Rwanda has caused panic among herders and raised fear of a price hike in animal produc

KHARTOUM) - (Sudan Tribune) The Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir Tuesday has issued a presidential decree to allocate 2,4 million feddans of land in the River Nile State

Government is finalising the second and final crop and livestock assessment report for the 2016/ 17 farming season, as early indications point to food self-sufficiency.

The present Statistical Abstract 2016 is the Eighth in the series brought out by this Directorate on the basis of secondary data sources. The uniqueness of Statistical Abstract is that it contains time series data on various socio-economic parameters and serves as an effective quantitative tool for reaching to logical conclusions in the context of planning and public policy making. The present edition of Statistical Abstract is thoroughly improved in terms of coverage and quality.

Climate change will have significant impacts on economic activity and value chains in Uganda. But it can also provide new possibilities for people and businesses – for example, to create new products and services, develop new markets and access new funding streams and finance mechanisms.

The Kenyan government has deployed troops to a central region to fight illegal grazing.

Do Zimbabwean smallholder farmers know that they are sitting on a potential $60 million earnings per annum from beef exports?

Pretoria — Animal farmers are among the worst affected by the current drought, says the Western Cape Provincial Government.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Akhil Bhartiya Jeev Raksha Bishnoi Sabha & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 23/05/2017 regarding environmental clearance to Gorakhpur Nuclear Power Plant, Fatehabad, Haryana.

Counsel appearing for Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) submits that the Forest Department and the Government of Haryana should cooperate with them and identify the places near the proposed nuclear power plant (Gorakhpur Nuclear Power Plant) where water holes for animals should be provided without any undue delay.
