Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ashwini Kumar Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 23/05/2017 regarding National Policy in regard to protection of indigenous species of cows and livestock to be protected as in some of the States, the said species are diminishing at a very rapid speed. For instance in Kerala, it is 79.9% loss of the indigenous species in just over the period of one decade.
On the crowded streets of the Tanzanian capital, the sight of groups of men brandishing spears and clubs or hoisting wooden sticks used to herd cattle is no longer unusual.
DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Tanzania is now facing alarming environmental destruction caused by haphazard felling of trees, a senior official said on Sunday.
Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh is losing at least Rs 2,000 crore in revenue a year by letting over 1,000 firms, including some MNCs, collect biological resources unchecked and without levy despite a law be
Raging floods, which have killed 26 people and forced almost 25,000 from their homes in Kenya this month, will exacerbate hunger and poverty among herders who have already lost livestock to the wor