The government of India and the Unicef today launched a five-year (2008-2012) action plan to help India combat the challenges of excessive malnutrition, high infant and maternal mortality rates, lack of quality education, safe water and sanitation. With seven years to go for the realisation of millennium development goals (MDGs), India is way off in terms of eradicating extreme hunger and poverty with 34.3 per cent of its people still live on less than one dollar a day.

This paper analyses levels of women's malnutrition in India over the seven years between 1998-99 and 2005-06, based on the National Family Health Survey. During a period of higher growth and a reasonable pace of reduction in poverty, malnutrition especially iron-deficiency anaemia has increased among women from disadvantaged social and economic groups. The adverse influence of maternal malnutrition extends beyond maternal mortality to causing intrauterine growth retardation, child malnutrition and an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases.

This book discusses the past performance and present status of the agricultural sector in India and delineates the challenges faced by it in the era of economic reforms. The effectiveness of some of the existing schemes for agricultural development (price support, credit, marketing, rural/agricultural development experiences) in devising appropriate intervention strategies for agriculture rejuvenation in India is examined. This book also focuses on the issues of employment, poverty, food and nutrition.

Flooding and poor harvests have caused North Korea's worst food crisis since the late 1990s and have put millions at risk, the United Nations' food agency said Wednesday.

The food shortage threatens widespread malnutrition, the World Food Program said.

"Millions of vulnerable North Koreans are at risk of slipping toward precarious hunger levels," Jean-Pierre de Margerie, the WFP's country director for North Korea, told a news conference.

Hunger and malnutrition deaths continue to be reported from Madhya Pradesh. Press reported that hunger forced a 11-year-old girl to commit suicide in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur town. It is story of Sanjeeda, a resident of Moti Nagar in Jabalpur, who committed suicide by hanging herself. She was hungry for the past two days because there was nothing to eat in the house. 'I tried to get foodgrain under the Chief Minister's Annapurna Yojana (scheme) but all in vain', said Sanjeeda's mother Praveen to the police as per press reports.

MILLIONS of Zimbabweans face starvation after the widespread failure of the latest harvest brought on by the Government's mishandling of land redistribution, and shortages in the shops caused by hyperinflation.

The United Nations said hundreds of thousands of people required food aid immediately because they had harvested little or nothing in recent weeks.

It has warned that up to 5 million will need help in coming months

The 2008 global food crisis is compromising the survival of 860 million undernourished people and threatens to push a hundred million people into extreme poverty, erasing all of the gains made in eradicating poverty in the last decade. Record high

Himanshi Dhawan | TNN With child malnutrition levels stagnant at 46% for the past 10 years, the government has been forced to restructure its programme for nutritional intervention for children between 0-6 years. If approved by the Union cabinet, the government will spend an average Rs 4.21 per beneficiary per day, up from Rs 2 per day. The restructured Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) will be implemented in mission mode under a National ICDS Mission Directorate and increase financial powers at the grassroots level.

Xan Rice Nairobi: Ethiopia has appealed for $325 million in aid after drought and crop failure more than doubled the number of people needing emergency assistance to 4.6 million. Poor rains have affected much of southern and south-eastern Ethiopia since last year, significantly cutting harvests. The shortage of local cereals has sent prices soaring, while the cost of imported food has also risen sharply because of the global food crisis and increased fuel prices.

With lobbying going on to replace cooked meals in the mid-day meal programme with processed foods like biscuits, this article reports on a consultation earlier this year that saw academicians, medical professionals, and nutrition and public health experts discuss the impact of providing dry rations versus cooked foods.
