Genebanks are one of the world

The effort of Saksham Study Group

Krishnagar: Nearly five lakh people in the state live in

THE Bombay High Court on Thursday asked the state government to explain why 176 children died of malnutrition till July 2008 in Dharni and Melghat areas of Amravati district.
The court has directed the Additional Principal Secretary, Health, Chandra Iyengar and Director, Health Services Prakash Doke to visit Melghat and Dharni areas to inspect the malnutrition situation there.

Patralekha Chatterjee

THE UNDERFED still outnumber the overfed. But food is the new religion of aspiring India, competing with sex on the pleasure-o-meter of the urbane and the upward-mobile.

Provisional FAO estimates show that the number of undernourished people in 2007 increased by 75 million, over and above FAO

Mumbai, September 15 Last year, after malnourishment surfaced in adivasi padas in Aarey Colony, ICDS along with tribal department started anganwadis and mini anganwadis
It took a week and one death of a six-month-old for the Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) of Woman and Child Development Department to wake up to the fact that there could be malnourished children in the tribal belt of Kandivali's national park area. ICDS will soon survey 13 to 14 padas in that area to start mini anganwadis.


CHILDREN STUNTED IN SRI LANKA: The infant mortality rate (IMR) of Sri Lanka, as per the latest demographic and health survey 2006-2007, is 15 per 1,000 live births. The IMR was 12 per 1,000 live births in 2005. In the same year, IMR in India was 56. The survey also shows that 22 per cent of children are underweight, 18 per cent are stunted and 15 per cent show signs of wasting. Authorities

This paper seeks to measure deprivation in terms of physical development and calorie-intake of children in two villages of Orissa.
