Ram Naik passes a death sentence for Dahanu s fragile ecology

Environmentalists have warned that a popular carnivorous freshwater turtle species imported to Sri Lanka is posing a serious threat to the country's indigenous fish species and aquatic animals. The

Over fishing has ruined the coasts

Conservationists of Ecuador have welcomed a recent judgement that upholds a ban on shark poaching. A court in Guayaquil ruled that the constitutional rights of the owners of an illegal

A ship s ballast water is a serious threat to marine ecosystems

the United Arab Emirates ( uae ) is the world's biggest consumer of natural resources, states a report of the World Wide Fund for Nature ( wwf ). Singapore and usa are the second

For the first time, an attempt has been made to manage marine ecosystems

The breaking of protective bunds threaten to submerge a village island in Goa

Further dilution of the rules safeguarding the Indian coastal ecosystem has just been proposed. Under the guise of providing land to poor fisherfolk for their settlements, is the administration surreptitiously letting in Indian companies and multinationa

Guess what is bringing death and disease to the coral reefs of the world? Dust from African deserts
