The use of System Rice Intensification, an advanced methodology in paddy farming, has enabled farmers in Nepal, to double their output. Using this improved technology, farmers can grow paddy with less water and it has also helped to minimize production costs compared to the traditional way of farming. Read more in October 2014 edition of the Monthly Overview on State of Environment, Nepal.

In the past two decades, child and maternal malnutrition has declined almost by half. Child undernutrition still imposes the greatest nutrition-related health burden at global level.

The QUALMAT (Quality of Maternal and Prenatal Care: Bridging the Know-do Gap) project has introduced an electronic clinical decision support system (CDSS) for pre-natal and maternal care services in rural primary health facilities in Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Tanzania.

State’s maternal mortality rate 230 against national average of 178

More than half (53.9 percent) of the elderly population of the country do not have normal weight as they were either underweight or overweight.

1366 - 1374Bangladesh is one of the only nine Countdown countries that are on track to achieve the primary target of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 by 2015. It is also the only low-income or middle-income country with two large, nationally-representative, high-quality household surveys focused on the measurement of maternal mortality and service use.

Timely access to considerate antenatal care could prevent the deaths of hundreds of women and girls in South Africa during and after pregnancy, a report released on Thursday showed.

For nearly 20 years, New Englanders drank and bathed in water without knowing it was laced with a neurotoxin.

Being Released After Nearly 10 Yrs

The Pune Municipal Corporation is aiming for `zero maternal deaths' in civic hospitals and maternity homes.
