Livestock is a very important component for profitable farming as most of the agricultural by-products can be used to feed them converting them into manure immediately. Other economical gains are in the form of wool, milk, egg, meat and skin. In India, very good draught animals like bullocks and he
buffaloes can be freely obtained for cultivation.

The Central Statistical Organisation's advance estimate of a decline in the agricultural sector's output in 2009-10 by a mere 0.2% is a highly optimistic forecast. An analysis of the numbers in the latest estimates of foodgrain output and a comparison of output/GDP changes in the drought years of 2002-03 and 2009-10 tells us why.

VADODARA: In a first of its kind, Gujarat

Scientific research on camel milk has established beyond doubt that it is a nutritional food and beneficial for human health, especially for patients suffering from tuberculosis, arthritis and diabetes.

Buffalo milk is superior to that of other cattle and its meat has lower cholesterol than beef - it's time to market this
Surinder Sud / New Delhi February 9, 2010, 0:04 IST

Mumbai: Rising prices of milk and dairy products are a potential pressure point for food inflation, Citigroup said in a recent note.

Government data on wholesale price inflation pegs the annual jump in milk and dairy at 13.4% in December from 6-7% in the previous year and the 7% increase in milk prices last week could aggravate the situation further, it added.

In a small, hilly district of south Gujarat lies the story of a people moving out of the shadow of war and death, guns and bullets to embrace peace and prosperity. It is the story of bravery in the face of death, of battling armed Maoists who are slicing through India's tribal heartland, challenging the writ of the state.

In a note prepared for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh


Staff Reporter
