During the 1970s, major policy debates on the role of mechanisation in agricultural and rural development in south Asia took place; by the early 1990s, such debates had largely faded. Yet today, countries such as Bangladesh possess some of the most productive, mechanised and labour-intensive agricultural industries in south Asia.

Large-scale promotion of small scale decentralized renewable energy technologies to achieve a part of millennium development goal remained a great challenge until recently.

New Delhi: Indian companies which have invested in hydel joint ventures in Nepal, with a total a capacity of over 6,000 mw, face uncertainties over exporting the bulk of the power to India due to several policy barriers that also restrict New Delhi

This study highlights the central role of capacity development for scaling up rural energy service delivery and to catalyze private financing for achieving universal energy access and the MDGs. Although it takes considerable upfront public investment to kick-start capacity development, once these investments have been made they can attract substantial financing from private sources.

04 May 2010

Sorry for the long silence in the blog space. But I was fatigued and rather frustrated with the same old arguments and going-nowhere debates. So in the last few months we have been busy with new research to bring different perspectives to the old problems -- how will we share the increasingly scarce budget in an increasingly at-risk carbon constrained world.

The electricity sectors of many developing countries underwent substantial reforms during the 1980s and 1990s, driven by global agendas of privatization and liberalization. However, rural electrification offered little by way of market incentives for profit-seeking private companies and was often neglected. As a consequence, delivery models for rural electrification need to change.

This paper examines the effectiveness of damage control mechanisms to reduce crop losses from agricultural pests. It uses data from a sample of Cole crop (Cauliflower and Cabbage)
growing households in the Bhaktapur district of Nepal to study the impact of pesticides on agriculture production. The results suggest that the marginal productivity of pesticides is close

Badal valley in Uttarakhand has now become a demo valley for green energy----

The coming years are going to be quite difficult for the world if preventive measures are not taken to tap new and non-conventional sources for its energy requirements.

The World Bank (WB) has approved US$ 89.2 million to support the Nepal government's energy crisis management action plan. The bank's new support is basically an additional financing of the Nepal Power Development Project (NPDP) approved on May 22, 2003.
