National Geographic

Only to find out that weight loss clinics are a sham

the good dose: As per a study by the US-based National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a combination of three drugs

high-smoking zone: The number of smokers in Himachal Pradesh (HP) is alarmingly high. This despite the state having the second highest literacy rate in the country. Forty-five per cent of HP's

The world is getting fatter, sicker

Governments, industries gang up against WHO s plan

Lobbies use the old trick

Reducing obesity the leading cause of non communicable diseases in the world has become a political game. At stake are the interests of the multi trillion dollar sugar and food industries. Standing up for them is the US government, and supporting it i

Spiced by developing bloc

Kicking the soft drink habit is a critical step for achieving lasting health and weight loss. Avoiding soft drinks can literally transform the health and cause to lose weight, reverse symptoms of diabetes, enhance bone density, support healthy brain function and even protect the body's nervous system.
