To examine the contribution of genetic factors to food choice, we determined dietary patterns from food frequency questionnaires in 3262 UK female twins aged 18 to 79 years. Five distinct dietary patterns were identified (fruit and vegetable, high alcohol, traditional English, dieting, low meat) that accounted for 22% of the total variance. These patterns are similar to those found in other singleton Western populations, and were related to body mass index, smoking status, physical activity and deprivation scores.

In an effort to improve residents health, King County in the us state of Washington banned the use of artificial trans fats for cooking at restaurants. It also asked nutritional information of

Lifestyle diseases are snuffing out lives and taking away productive years. The future looks menacing as India modernizes at blinding speed.

there have been umpteen theories on why South Asians are more at risk of developing vascular diseases. Now a team of Indian, Canadian, Scottish and Iranian researchers have come up with a new

Childhood obesity has become a major societal concern. Rates of obesity among preschool and school-age children have more than doubled in the past three decades: 14% of 2- to 5-year-olds and 19% of 6- to 11-year olds are obese (Ogden et al. 2006; Ogden et al. 2002). The increased rates of obesity have become a public health concern because obesity is associated with chronic disease and adverse health outcomes (Institute of Medicine 2005).

In November last year, Brazil's National Health Monitoring Agency launched a public debate on regulations that would ban radio and tv advertising for soft drinks and foods with sugar, saturated fat

phthalates are known endocrine disruptors. But for the first time, a study has shown that these compounds, commonly found in lubricants, pesticides, paints and cosmetics, can lead to abdominal

The uk's Committee for Advertising Practice (cap) on April 11 decided to widen restrictions on food and drink advertising which are targeting under-16-year-olds. The new rules will cover

research carried out by scientists of the Washington University, Missouri, usa, has shown that microbes are responsible for obesity. It's a good news, because the research indicates that

The third National Family Health Survey (nfhs) was carried out during 2005 and 2006. Preliminary findings reveal
