What’s really in your cuppa? -  A special investigation into the hidden costs of  tea, milk and sugar.


When shopping for food, ever more consumers in rich nations pay attention not only to prices, appearance and flavour. They also consider environmental and social aspects. Therefore, certifications of organic production, fair-trade practices or regional origin often lead to a premium in the marketplace and can benefit small-scale farmers.

Shishir Behera

A cup of good tea in the morning is the perfect way to start a day, and if it is organic nothing like it. With people becoming health conscious by the day, demand for organic products is rising multi-fold every year.

It is now final: Health Ministry would lord over the proposed Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) only in regard to clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs but would have no control over genetically modified foods.

Sources said the Cabinet has approved Ministry of Science & Technology

It's fast catching on -- organic farm tourism is the latest value addition rural tourism has achieved across the globe THE ATTRACTIONS INCLUDE RUSTIC SELFCATERING COT- TAGES AND HOME-COOKED, ORGANIC FOOD

The frescoed havelis of Nawalgarh, the native land of the Sekhawat Rajputs in Rajasthan, once drew tourists from France and Italy -places known for magnificent art forms.

Amitabh Sinha

The Environment Ministry

Looking for a quick way to feel lousy about yourself? Then forget the idea of a healthy diet and just eat what your body wants you to eat. Your body wants meat; your body wants fat; your body wants salt and sugar. Your body will put up with fruits and vegetables if it must, but only after all the meat, fat, salt and sugar are gone.

Maulik Vyas MUMBAI

EVER since she shifted to South Delhi

Sandip Das
New Delhi: With rich natural resources, biodiversity, dependable rainfall (annual average close to 2000 mm) and lower use of pesticides, north eastern states of the country could become a hub for organic products cultivation, the demand for which is up in global markets, an independent research paper has said.
