Delhi Government's move to ban plastic bags in the Capital got a boost with a city court slapping a fine of Rs 15,000 on a stationery trader for flouting the law.

Rs.2 lakh each for Tirunelveli and Tuticorin Corporations allotted

MESSAGE: An awareness programme on solid waste management in progress at Palayamkottai on Monday.

TIRUNELVELI: An awareness campaign on solid waste management and segregation of plastic waste at source was inaugurated at Palayamkottai on Monday.

PLANT SCIENCES Never too late Flowers are more resilient than they appear. They shoot up against all odds. The credit goes to genetic matter called microRNA that inhibit protein formation crucial to flowering in young plants. External cues like sunlight make them flower. But in the absence of cues, too, flowers do blossom; the activity of

The already highly polluted Yamuna faces a fresh threat of toxic elements during Navaratra festival when religious articles are immersed in the river.

The polluted waters of River YamunaThe government has not so far earmarked separate enclosures for dumping the materials as directed by the Delhi High Court.

Some tennis balls for dogs, chew toys for cats and women

This review aims to summarize the existing knowledge on the environmental and occupational health risks of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling and other end-of-life options.

K.T. Sangameswaran

CHENNAI: The Madras High Court has pulled up the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board for its failure to strictly implement the Central rules with regard to the sale and use of plastic materials.

There should be enough recognition for industries that do their production according to eco-friendly standards. So far no method has been implemented to recognize and reward these industries, he said.

PHOTOVOLTAIC cells are already a familiar sight on rooftops. But one day, miniature cells may also be found in more unconventional places: power-generating windows, car sunroofs or even awnings.

Reducing the impact on mother earth of excessive emission of greenhouse gases is identified today as a priority by all nations.

Since it is little droplets of water that go to form the wide and mighty oceans, what we as individuals and households do to reduce these emissions will well be what will determine the survival of the planet we live in, in the future.
