This Social Assessment for the National Rural Livelihoods Project (NRLP) has been prepared after careful review and analysis of the experiences of previous state- and civil society-supported livelihood projects including World Bank-assisted livelihood projects.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has invested in the Rajiv Aarogyasri Community Health Insurance Scheme as a means to reduce burdensome health expenses incurred by the state

The debates around securing the right to health for all in India are at a complex and sensitive stage. In India, we have gross inequity in health-care delivery.

India, with a population of more than 1 billion people, has many challenges in improving the health and nutrition of its citizens. Steady declines have been noted in fertility, maternal, infant and child mortalities, and the prevalence of severe manifestations of nutritional deficiencies, but the pace has been slow and falls short of national and Millennium Development Goal targets.

Chronic diseases (eg, cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders, diabetes, and cancer) and injuries are the leading causes of death and disability in India, and we project pronounced increases in their contribution to the burden of disease during the next 25 years. Most chronic diseases are equally prevalent in poor and rural populations and often occur together.

In India, despite improvements in access to health care, inequalities are related to socioeconomic status, geography, and gender, and are compounded by high out-of-pocket expenditures, with more than three-quarters of the increasing financial burden of health care being met by households.

India has a severe shortage of human resources for health. It has a shortage of qualified health workers and the workforce is concentrated in urban areas. Bringing qualified health workers to rural, remote, and underserved areas is very challenging. Many Indians, especially those living in rural areas, receive care from unqualified providers.


India has supported the ideal of health for all since it become an independent nation more than 60 years ago.

This paper illustrates the environmental elements of a strategy towards the creation of sustainable enterprises by highlighting impacts on employment of different environmental instruments and policies.
