UP Chief Minister Mayawati on Thursday announced a new land acquisition policy under which private developers will have to buy land directly from the owners, with the government acting only as a facilitator.

In Maharashtra, ADB supported the Department of Urban Development and Water Supply and Sanitation to develop possible PPP structures in the water supply and sanitation sector.  After studying possible PPP structures, their applicability in the context of selected sample cities were assessed leading to the development of proposed term sheets, which were identified a suitable and feasible fo

This paper compares the theory and expectations of privatisation with the performance record of
privatised public services in several countries in order to inform and stimulate scrutiny of India’s determination to privatise MSWM.

Centre approves field trials of 14 GM crops. But some states refuse trials, saying safety regulations are too lax. With politicians joining activists, the issue is likely to take a politically volatile turn. This special report in DTE uncovers the mess in GM crops.

Drawing on the results of a 2010 survey of corporate signatories to the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Environment Programme Caring for Climate initiative, as well as on existing literature, this report makes the business case for private sector adaptation to climate change in ways that build the  resilience of vulnerable communities in developing countries.

To learn about the sustainability of rural sanitation in Bangladesh, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) in conjunction with the Government of Bangladesh and NGOs felt it was important to investigate several knowledge gaps: the degree to which sanitation behaviors and facilities are being sustained in Union Parishads declared ODF at least four and a half years ago;  the level to which s

Beacuse of the pressure of development, displacement of people from project sites has become an ubiquitous phenomenon. Relatively high rate of growth of the Indian economy has added new dimensions and diversity to project-related displacement. Development projects call for acquisition of land which, undertaken on a large scale and without consultation with the owners of land, have led to agitation and public protests. A proper resettlement policy is a key to dealing with this problem.

The neo-liberal transformation of global economy has brought in a new trade regime replacing GATT 1947 with incorporation of services and intellectual property in the products to be exchanged and WTO as its powerful regulator. Health being one of the services has become tradable for the first time. India has chosen to engage in health trade substantially to drive economic benefits from medical tourism, export of pharmaceuticals and manpower, and to carry out contract clinical trials.

This report examines how the public-private partnership (PPP) model can be applied to help promote sustainable housing and urban development for countries around the world. The report has two main parts.

Increasing the renewable energy share in national energy mix remains one of the major energy policy goals across many economies. This paper assesses the roles and potentials of renewable energy sources in less-developed economies while citing Nepal as an example.
