This booklet is written as an inspiration for policymakers in government, business and civil society who are working to foster sustainable food security. It contains several case studies of women’s economic empowerment in developing countries, and sheds light on the bottlenecks women face in producing, processing, preparing and trading food.

Government and non-government groups have not always been on the best of terms
and this relationship has been redefined over the years with changing social and political
scenario. The showdown over the Lokpal bill marks a new low. Read this analysis by
Down to Earth.

Hidden behind city branding exercises through large projects are acts of land capture and slum demolitions by a predatory local state and crony capitalism. In the policy arena, meanwhile, the urban, and particularly the metropolitan story has been one of deliberate confusion, and fragmentation of policy and implementation. The promise of rapid city transformation has not been met through the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, which does something for infrastructure and something for housing but all in an uncoordinated project-by-project manner.

Despite their relatively modest economies, some of the basic population health indicators of Kerala and Sri Lanka are similar to that of the developed nations. Following a review of recent evidence on infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, mental health and suicides, and maternal mortality, this paper argues that there are challenges arising from declining investments in the public health sector (and increasing privatisation) and inadequate attention to the social determinants of health. It also lists suggestions for policy and a research agenda to further health equity.

An audit of production-sharing contracts reveals violations that have hurt the interests of the public. (Editorial)

The Argentine government’s PERMER (Project for Renewable Energy in Rural Markets) programme, introduced in 1999, provides electricity for basic lighting and social communication needs for families and public services in remote, rural areas, which are beyond the reach of the grid.

See Also 

Privatisation of garbage collection leaves the waste pickers, already on the fringes of society, vulnerable to exploitation.

This report examines the current state of business engagement on climate change adaptation in South and Southeast Asia and identifies key barriers to greater private sector involvement. It aims to initiate a discussion on the business case for adapting to long-term climate change impacts and the need to improve incentives for action.
