A report, titled Growing Food, Products and Businesses, sheds new light on the ways in which agribusiness incubators are fostering the modernization and scaling-up of agribusiness in the developing world.

The private sector has not fully utilised the allocation of coal blocks to them, said a senior official from the Ministry of Power. The official added, private sector would produce only 20 per cent of the estimated coal production from the blocks.

The microfinance sector in India’s state of Andhra Pradesh was recently marred by a series of mishaps that occurred due to extensive lending, which resulted in over-indebtedness and ultimately, defaults. Lending institutions resorted to coercive measures for loan recovery that led to suicides amongst borrowers.

Summary of the informal interactive hearing with representatives of nongovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector, to provide an input to preparatory process of the 2011 High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases.

n 2008, 36 million people died from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). 1 By 2020, NCDs are projected to cause almost three quarters as many deaths as communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional diseases, and by 2030 to exceed them as the most common causes of death. 2 On Sept 19, 2011, the UN will take an important step towards modification of the future course of NCDs at the High-level Meeting on Non-communicable Diseases.

The anti-corruption campaign has shown that a desperate public demands an immediate solution. Citizens have got a taste of direct democracy which is frightening for the privileged manipulators of the system, but liberating for the poor who are usually manipulated. While what the future holds cannot be predicted, the prize at this juncture of the history of Indian democracy is indeed so great that the compulsion in favour of the Jan Lokpal Bill is overwhelming.

Recognizing the changing scope and character of private sector participation in Indian urban water supply services, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has undertaken a study to review these projects. This study reviews trends and

A cash-strapped Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation (UPPCL) has signed a one-year deal with a private power generator in Gujarat, routed through a private power trader in the western state, to buy some 600 MW at around Rs 4.70 a unit. The price is well above the average of less Rs 3 a unit on the power exchanges over the last two months.

The Round Table Meeting (RTM) for Bhutan is the most important forum for policy dialogue and aid coordination between the Royal Government and its development partners. Held once every two and a half years, the last RTM for Bhutan, the 10th, was held successfully in Thimphu, Bhutan, from 17th -18th February 2008.

The UNEP and the OECD have a released a report titled “Climate Change and Tourism Policy in OECD Countries,” which warns that unless resource-efficient policies are developed, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the tourism industry will double over the next 25 years.
