Land acquisition and rehabilitation & resettlement bill (LARR), 2011 - General problems and specific deficiences.

CBFEs are truly local institutions; this is one of the reasons for the diversity of models on which they are based. It is also a reason why, as a development strategy, they bypass many of the costs and hurdles other development initiatives face in implementation. Created on the ground by local actors, they are well adapted to local social, cultural, and economic conditions and landscapes.

Afghanistan Human Development Report 2011 - The Forgotten Front: Water Security and the Crisis in Sanitation examines the deep and persistent deprivation in access to drinking water, sanitation and irrigation in Afghanistan, as well as the r

India is being variously described as a developing country to an 'almost developed country'. The truth lies towards the latter. It is globalising rapidly and is now one of the leading countries competing for global knowledge work.

Sanjay Chadha has, in his paper, brought out a unique approach to Public Private Partnerships in the Railways. The nuances of PPP have been examined and pitfalls highlighted. Another concept has also been introduced, giving RITES-SAIL joint effort at wagon manufacture as an innovative initiative.

The new industrial policy, taking into account the current economic scenario and prospective developments, lays particular emphasis on further strengthening the base of the manufacturing sector besides knowledge based & high tech industries, efficient use of
energy, conservation of resources and pragmatic environmental policies for sustainable development.

The adoption of the agribusiness model of the United States is supposed to bring food security to India and Africa. (Editorial)

Preeti Parashar

Afghanistan is looking forward to strengthen its investment relationship with the private sector in the field of agriculture in India.

Through a series of nine country case studies and regional analysis, this new publication details approaches and priorities for removing key impediments and streamlining forestry investment in the Asia-Pacific region.

The post WTO policy reforms in the field of agricultural trade induced changes in the institutional and market conditions that led to the entry of the private sector in agribusiness and brought a shift in the relative position of different players in the market. It has created sharp discontinuities in the role of the state and the functioning of the market.
