Discussion in Rajya Sabha on take over of major oilfields by Vedanta-Cairn.

The resignation of T T Krishnamachari from the finance
ministership in early 1958 was the culmination of three
developments evolving concurrently. The first was the
M C Chagla Commission of Enquiry Report, which
ultimately led to Jawaharlal Nehru accepting

Despite the 1984 amendment of
the Land Acquisition Act, 1894,
the judiciary has continued to
allow farmland to be acquired
freely, with

Open letter to Manmohan Singh

on the subject of nationalistation/resumption of iron ore mining valued at over two trillion dollars. 

Money comes into Mysore, especially for real estate transactions, not only through legal, banking channels but also in gunny bags, and that has been a common practice. Real estate transactions, with the exception of new apartments purchased from builders, generally include both a legal white money payment through a bank instrument, and a black money component of cash. This flow of money into Mysore has been a constant feature of the last decade, and has mostly involved the real estate and construction industry. Consider this proposition.

In the current context of economic instability, young men and women today face increasing uncertainty in their hopes of making a satisfactory labour market transition. Clearly, the global economic crisis has further exposed the fragility of youth in the labour market.

The rapid growth in transport activity, based primarily on private motorised vehicles, generates social, environmental and economic costs. Transport already accounts for more than half of global liquid fossil fuel consumption and nearly a quarter of the world

Feeding the world is going to require the scientific and financial muscle of agricultural biotechnology companies. Natasha Gilbert asks whether they're up to the task.

Producing enough food for the world's population in 2050 will be easy. But doing it at an acceptable cost to the planet will depend on research into everything from high-tech seeds to low-tech farming practices. (Editorial)

All discussion of illegal mining, specially of iron ore, has to keep in mind two things. First, the nature of legality cannot be defined in narrow terms of mining laws, but needs to cover the environmental and social goods that lie in its ambit. Second, the massive growth in mining is directly related to the nature of economic liberalisation and loosening of government controls.
