The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Nature4Climate (N4C) coalition launched “Natural climate solutions: the business perspective”, a guide to natural climate solutions for the private sector.

The Climate Finance Leadership Initiative (CFLI) published a report titled, ‘Financing the Low-Carbon Future: A Private-Sector View on Mobilizing Climate Finance,’ which identifies concrete opportunities for mobilizing private finance at the scale and speed needed to support an orderly and inclusive transition to a low-carbon global economy acro

This paper presents a conceptual framework that allows users to assess a country’s practices for mobilizing private sector finance for adaptation.

The Africa Agriculture Status Report of 2019 by AGRA highlights the trends and progress, as well as challenges and constraints of private sector firms in the upstream and midstream/downstream off-farm components of the agri-food system.

Infrastructure development will play a critical role in meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific. The pursuit of sustainable infrastructure in the region should be at the core of the region’s development agenda.

The moderately positive economic performance since 2000 has provided opportunities for improvements in health outcomes. Africa recorded average real annual GDP growth of 5–6 per cent between 2000 and 2010 before slowing down to about 3 per cent per annum over the period 2010–2015.

One of the most discussed issues of modern times is that of problems related to the scarcity of funds in dealing with the increasing catastrophic events due to volatile climatic conditions.

The World Bank GRI Index 2019 provides an overview of sustainability considerations within the World Bank`s lending and analytical services as well as its corporate activities. This index of sustainability indicators has been prepared in accordance with the internationally recognized standard for sustainability reporting, the GRI Standards.

Climate change is set to have profound effects on Vietnam’s development. With nearly sixty percent of its land area and seventy percent of population at risk of multiple natural hazards, Vietnam globally is among the most vulnerable countries to both chronic and extreme events.

The EU has adopted legislation, known as Horizon Europe, to shape EU Research & Innovation (R&I) spending for the 2021-2027 period. With a proposed budget of almost €100 bn, the programme aims to stimulate technological innovation and help the EU decarbonise.
