Highest level of toxic pbde found in Virginia fish

The Indian detergent industry refuses to clean up its act

Despite having the potential to give a green edge to the agricultural market, biopesticides are yet to make a mark in the agro sector. To create a market for biopesticides, there has to be a paradigm shift in the way business is done. It must develop a re

• India's DNA scientists have initiated a project to clone the Indian cheetah by using the genes of its Iranian cousin. Scientists from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in

Cloves can stop hazardous asbestos fibres from escaping into the air

Probes carried out to get to the root of the CNG blaze problem

A researcher from the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has observed homosexual behaviour among orangutans in Sumatra. This is the first time scientists have witnessed the activity

Pesticides pollution threatens the aquatic life of the Ganges, especially the Gangetic dolphins

Pollution of the past haunts our present

Solar lighting systems have brightened up the gloomy winters of Himachal Pradesh s Mayad valley
