
The estimates of state wise poverty lines for rural and urban areas for 2011-12.

This document provides the poverty estimates for the year 2011-12 updated by Planning Commission as per the methodology recommended by Tendulkar Committee.

Top 5% of the population had an MPCE of Rs 4,481 in rural areas and Rs 10,282 in urban areas

Poorest of poor in the country survive on barely Rs 17 per day in villages and Rs 23 a day in cities, as per the latest data released by the National Sample Survey Office today.

Sankara Eye Foundation has 11 eye hospitals, 125 doctors & 600 paramedical professionals

An Indian eye care institution is celebrating its one millionth free eye surgery with a special ceremony on Thursday at the Churchill Dining room in the House of Commons. NRI Punjabi MP Virendra Sharma, who represents the Ealing Southall constituency in UK Parliament, has agreed to preside over the occasion.

This paper provides an ethnographic account of the changing facets of marginality for the Musahars of Uttar Pradesh. It takes a close look at how their identity is shaped by the resistance of those at the margins, by politics, and by interventions on the part of external agencies. The research deconstructs (i) the everyday resistance of the Musahars, as evident from their songs and poetry; (ii) the talk of state officials and state policies about Musahars; and (iii) the discourse of social activists, organisations and donor agencies.

The 2013 Global Monitoring Report (GMR) marks the tenth edition of the GMR since the inception of the report in 2004. The GMR continues to provide an annual assessment of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The Finance Ministry said Friday that its spending on poverty relief in rural areas for 2012 surged 31.9 percent from a year earlier to 299.6 billion yuan ($47.79 billion).

China will allocate more funds to lift its rural population out of poverty this year, with efforts focused on making education more accessible for the poor, said a top poverty relief official.

Rural families in low income states such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal depend far less on ration shops for wheat and rice than the national average.

Exercises to identify households living below the poverty line have taken place three times, and a fourth one is under way. Though the latest method aims to improve upon previous methods, its empirical implications and precise justification are not yet clear. This paper empirically examines the Socio-Economic Caste Census methodology and compares it empirically with alternative proposals to show the choice of a particular methodology matters.
