Fingerprint identification may not be completely reliable

Alternatives to keep animals away from scientific research labs

The man who chipped away at every presumption that defined evolutionary science

JAGDISH BAHADUR, an expert on glaciers and former joint advisor, department of science and technology, and SYED IQBAL HASNAIN , who heads the Glacier Research Group at Jawaharlal Nehru University, criticise India s lack of a positive response to a rece

Diamond dust found in outer space

Scientists turn skin cells into nerves and immune cells

Microscopic string like structures cause friction among surfaces

SciDev is a website supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperative Agency, International Development Research Centre and UK Department for International Development, and sponsored by

Scientists at Ohio State University, USA, have produced magnetisation in an organic material that is induced by light. The material called tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) was seen to have its magnetisation

Research is often like an iceberg. The public interest can just be the visible tip with the invisible bulk being the private interest
