Many studies have been published to evaluate the consequences of different post-2012 emission allocation regimes on regional mitigation costs. This paper goes one step further and evaluates not only mitigation costs, but also adaptation costs and climate change damages.

We find evidence that black soot aerosols deposited on Tibetan glaciers have been a significant contributing factor to observed rapid glacier retreat. Reduced black soot emissions, in addition to reduced greenhouse gases, may be required to avoid demise of Himalayan glaciers and retain the benefits of glaciers for seasonal fresh water supplies.

Original Source

We find evidence that black soot aerosols deposited on Tibetan
glaciers have been a significant contributing factor to observed
rapid glacier retreat. Reduced black soot emissions, in addition to reduced greenhouse gases, may be required to avoid demise of
Himalayan glaciers and retain the benefits of glaciers for seasonal fresh water supplies.

Madhya Pradesh has been selected for World Bank

Madhya Pradesh has been selected for World Bank's prestigious South Asia Vice-President Team Award for District Poverty Initiatives Programme (DPIP) project being implemented in the state.

Environment and Natural Resources Minister Champika Ranawaka said at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark that South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is concerned about the adverse effects of climate change in the South Asia region and stressed that the region has made no contribution to Green House Gas emissions.

Within the context of the global Framework, this World Bank document released at Copenhagen on Dec 8, 2009 identifies the climate challenges in South Asia. It outlines the broad parameters of a response that is consistent with the development priorities of the region.

Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus on Wednesday unveiled his vision for

Asking the people to dream of making South Asia the first poverty-free region of the world by 2030, Bangladeshi Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Muhammad Yunus expounded his concept of social business to eradicate poverty.

"Let's dream that by 2030 we'll create a well-functioning South Asian Union.

This reports says that World Bank is to support the development priorities of countries in South Asia by addressing climate change related risks and harnessing development opportunities that promote low-carbon growth.
