Ahmedabad First South Asian Climate Outlook Forum in city today

Last year, the monsoon forecast was 22 per cent off the mark. This year, however, even before the monsoon forecast for this month, the India
Meteorological Department (IMD) is set to do forecasting for the entire South Asia region, for the first time, by April end.

Recognizing women’s involvement in commercial crop production and ensuring that they benefit from research, extension, credit, land tenure rights, market access and other elements of production, innovation and participation still requires a significant organizational shift in many agricultural services.

This is the recent assessment by CAI-Asia of status and challenges of air quality management in Asia. Provides an overview of status of air quality and the ambient air quality standards adopted by developing Asian countries.

The annual Asian Development Outlook provides a comprehensive analysis of economic performance for the past year and offers forecasts for the next 2 years for the 45 Asian economies that make up developing Asia.

This study estimates the morbidity costs of a reduction in air pollution in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, using the Cost-of-Illness (COI) approach. COI is defined as the sum of lost earnings due to workdays lost or restricted activity days and the mitigation expenditure borne due to illness. The data for the research comes from seasonal household surveys using health diaries.

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools programmes are globally recognised as essential to promoting children

Reefs, mangrove forests and inland wetlands in arid regions can play a very cost-effective role in attenuating the impacts of extreme weather events such as the impacts of hurricanes and cyclones, extremes in precipitation and increases in evaporation due to higher temperatures. Inland wetlands can reduce extremes in runoff from of rivers.

In summary, the challenge of food security is one of the serious problems that the region is currently grappling with. Given the rich biodiversity and agricultural base of the region, there is an ample scope for cooperation within the SAARC countries in this avenue. Collaboration in the domain of agricultural

On 28

THE recent world recession put WTO activities on hold. Many would say that trade agreements under the WTO are now in suspended animation. Despite many attempts, closure of the Doha round of trade negotiations (begun in 2001) has still not been achieved. But work on free-trade or preferential-trade agreements (FTAs and PTAs) seems to be in full swing.
